UPDATED HOURS! 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Saturday

Please Note Change of hours!!


Tilda 2009 Calendar Club with Irina

Join Irina once a week for seven weeks at either Wednesday or Weekend club starting January 4th to create one of a kind 2009 Keepsake Calendar with images from Magnolia. We will make two pages/months at each class. At the last class we will make a cover and will put the calendar together using the Bind-It-All machine. Wednesday Club will meet from 12 pm to 3:30 pm on the following dates: January 7th, January 14th, January 21st,  February 4th, February 11th and February 18th, February 25th. Weekend Club will meet from 2 pm to 5:00 pm on the following dates: January 4th, January 11th, January 18th, January 31st (Saturday), February 8th, February 15th and February 22nd. You may join at any time (if the space is available) and will be able to purchase the kits for any missed classes. $28 per class, 9 participants max in each club Please bring your favorite adhesive. All other supplies will be provided.