UPDATED HOURS! 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Saturday

Please Note Change of hours!!


Copic Classes with Christy

Small classes with individual instruction by Christy Lindeman

Classes are on Thursday Mornings

January 14, 11-1: Copic: Beginner

January 21; 11-1: Copic: Hair and Skin

January 28; 11-1: Copic: Clothing Pleats and Folds

February 4; 11-1: Copic: Beginner

February 18; 11-1: Copic: Flowers and Nature

March 10; 11-1: Copic: Beginner

March 17; 11-1: Copic: Hair and Skin

March 24; 11-1: Copic: Flowers and Nature

March 31; 11-1: Copic: Clothing Pleats and Folds

Classes are $20 each
Register:  408-736-9151